NGO360 Mockups - 2014 March

Marketing Slides

Everyone asks me what problem I'm solving, who has the problem, and do they want it fixed. In my experience people are more likely to stick to what they know rather than learn about something new. I want to lower the barrier for learning more about what people are doing at NGOs, non-profits, and regular old businesses. The first market I want to support is the NGO market.

What is the problem

There are NGOs of all types trying to help make the world a better place. When an NGO seeks support they reach out to their network and market to as many people as they can reach with the available marketing dollars they have. To support their mission statement they spend money on outreach, website administration, and seeking out more money (e.g. seeking donations and writing for grants).

Who has this problem

NGOs that try to maintain a low percentage of administration costs.

Do they want it fixed

What does it mean to "fix" this problem? There is no magic bullet for extending the reach of an NGO. NGO360 is a way to supplement the outreach efforts. The cost is low. Do NGOs want to get more reach with their outreach efforts while spending little to do it? I argue that the answer is yes.

Browse these sample marketing images.


The logged out home page is a slideshow. Users can only log in with Facebook


Search is initially going to be on tags and profile names. If a users adds a social media site only profiles with links to that social media site will be included.


A business can create a profile. A profile includes the company logo, the profile name, social media links, and related business profiles. Profile owners can add elevator pitches to their profile in the form of 15, 30 and 60 second audio and video files (or links).

Profile Owners

If you own a profile you can edit and delete it.


Users browsing businesses can rate, tag, share, and follow profiles. You can also copy any profile you find.


Users will be shown a news feed of actions related to the businesses they follow. Business profile owners are also shown a feed of actions taken on their profile.


Users can explore existing business profiles. This feed is displayed based on parameters I see fit to include.